Provide callers with information about your recall, support options for returns or replacements and even live agent assistance – if additional help is required.
Recalls require a great deal of finesse, which is why it’s critical that goals are set early in the planning phase. Once the programming elements have been finalized, you’re looking at just days to develop and launch rather than weeks.

Product Recall IVR solutions are carefully constructed to fit the goals of your campaign.
Below are several enhanced services that can be used to build your ideal IVR solution.
Measure and track customer calls, create custom reports and set up report delivery schedules in real-time with Patriot’s online reporting system.
Product Recall campaigns can drive a large consumer response. Help eliminate confusion by implementing a Product Eligibility check. Peel off non-affected customers near the beginning of the call to avoid flooding other resources.
Provide callers with a list of FAQs designed to answer some of the most pressing customer questions. FAQs can be used as part of a fully automated solution but can also be used to enhance a live agent solution – FAQs can help lower agent talk time.
Create efficiencies in your fulfillment process with an automated capture feature. Capture and transcribe requests for return or replacement request. Data is transcribed and returned in 24-48 hours.
Call center resources are fully scalable to fit your needs – ramp up or down as needed to fit consumer response. Leverage Patriot’s extensive call center relationships to build a team of experienced agents to support your recall efforts. Once your project is off and running, our attention will shift to ensuring that your goals are being met and that callers are getting the best possible experience.
Provide reporting specs tied to your existing CRM software and we will develop reports to help build and update your customer database.